Suggested Reading

  • Evarrs, S. B. & Knotek, S. E. (2005). Foreign language and special education. A. Heining-Boynton (Ed.), ACTFL 2005-20015: Realizing our vision of languages for all (pp. 117-133). NY: Prentice Hall.
  • Berberi, T., Hamilton, E., & Sutherland, I. (Eds.) (2008). Worlds apart? Disability and foreign language learning. New Haven, CT: Yale University.
  • Kinzie, S. (2008, October 25) Bumps abound when students become their own advocates. The Washington Post, A01.
  • Gregory, M. (2008). Do we teach disciplines or do we teach students? Profession, 13, 117-119.
  • Sparks, R. (2009). If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll wind up somewhere else: The case of “foreign language learning disability. Foreign Language Annals, 42(1), 7-26.
  • Arries, J. F. (1999). Learning disabilities and foreign languages: a curriculum approach to the design of inclusive courses. The Modern Language Journal, 83(1), 98-110.
  • Shaw, R. (1999). The case for course substitutions as a reasonable accommodation for students with foreign language learning difficulties. Journal of learning disabilities. Vol. 32, pp. 320-328.
  • Faust, J. (2007). Unreasonable accommodations? Waiving formal logic requirements for students with (relevant) disabilities. Teaching Philosophy. Vol. 30, pp. 357-381.
  • Madaus, J. W. (2003). What high school students with learning disabilities need to know about college foreign language requirements. Teaching Exceptional Children, 36(2), 62-66.
  • Hudd, S., Apgar, C., Bronson, E., Lee, R.(2009). Creating a campus culture of integrity: comparing the perspectives of full- and part-time faculty. Journal of Higher Education, Vol 80, No. 2.
  • Landrum, E. (2009). Are there instructional differences between full-time and part-time faculty? College Teaching. Winter 2009, 23-26.
  • Smallwood, S. (2001, Jan 5). MLA survey reveals wide discrepancy in part-time faculty members’ earnings. Chronicle of Higher Education, A 15.