Foreign Language Modules

Inclusive Foreign Language Teaching Modules

The documents available here will help you create a learning environment that addresses the needs of a variety of foreign language students.  The modules:

  • look at foreign language learning through the perspective of a diverse learner, identifying potential barriers to student success;
  • incorporate case study examples; and
  • include inclusive strategies to address learning barriers. For example, you’ll find suggestions for ways to address diverse learners in your syllabus and during classroom exercises.

The modules will help you design a foreign language course that tries to eliminate barriers that diverse students, and specifically students with disabilities, may face while also creating a more inclusive course for a variety of  students.


Inclusive Teaching FAQ: Answers to some frequently asked questions about teaching diverse learners.

Getting Started: Information about incorporating inclusive class elements for semester start up.

Target Language Use Information on barriers to target language use and specific strategies to encourage maximum target language use.

Group Work: Includes materials that expose possible barriers in group work and specific instructional strategies to decrease those barriers.

Inclusive Assessment:  An overview of possible barriers in different assessment formats and strategies to decrease those barriers.

Self-Assessment Tools: Several different tools to support self-reflection on the part of the instructor.

Inclusive Assessment: Information to help you understand institutional policies and procedures and collaborate with the Disability Resources office.

Module_Error_Correction_8612: Information to help you correct students’ written and verbal mistakes while maintaining an inclusive classroom.