REflection 2

Sociology Theory 401- Instutions

Sociology 233

Social Inequality

Key Concepts 

 Systems of Oppression

Economic Inequalities

Social Stratification

Social Structure

 This class Taught me the importance of trying to make change in the world around me. This would help me in the workplace with dealing with different inequalities and being able to have a different world view to work with others

Sociology 205


Key concepts

 The different acts in the world that go against the norm in a society

They can be seen as illegal or don’t fit into society’s view point.

THis could help fit into the workplace with being able to see deviant acts in the workplace. With being able to understand them and help others. With the ability to understand other people’s decisions and viewpoints on controversial topics.

Sociology Stats for Sociol Science 346- Mehtodolgy

Key Concepts 

Stats being used in sociology

Being able to convert the stats to real world issues

Fixing real world problems with the use of data

IN the work place this class would help with the use of putting numbers to words when it comes to data. The software in this class would also help me in the work place with the ability to learn a new software and analyze data with inputs in the software and outputs.

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