Experience Outside of Virginia: Adelaide, Australia

I’ve been to a good amount of places outside of Virginia. However, one experience that I had has always stood out to me by being the most fascinating and adventurous. In 2011 I took a trip to Adelaide, Australia to see my aunt, uncle, and cousins that I rarely get to see. This also turned out to be the most painful trip with being an 11 year old on a plane from LA, California to Sydney, Australia for 17 hours straight. However, the long painful trip was worth it. We got to visit many beaches and also a petting zoo where we were able to feed emus and kangaroos. Although, my favorite part was the chance to hold a koala since it is no longer allowed. The beaches were located in South Australia and were far more beautiful than any beach I have ever visited. 

At the beaches I was also able to take surfing lessons with my family. My mom, sister, and myself have always loved surfing in the Outer Banks which gave us a great idea to take the lessons and have the ability to say we surfed in Australia. My aunt also decided to tag along which was an entertaining sight. 

Another remarkable opportunity I had was being able to swim with the dolphins. Even though I was completely terrified of the shark infested waters, this is when I learned that if dolphins are around, then there are no sharks. This tour we went on was completely amazing with being able to see the cliffs on the side of the land and the beautiful clear water. The tour also seemed pretty scary looking back at it since the tour guide threw us in the water and around 15 people had to hold onto a rope behind a boat. 

While looking back at the trip as a 21 year old, I appreciate the views and opportunities I gained from visiting. It is a very peaceful place wherever you go which definitely seems like it would be a fun country to get a job in. My aunt’s family that lives there also owns their own vineyard. Luckily I have been told that I am always welcome and could easily work on the vineyard. It would be such a great experience that some people wouldn’t be able to have and is very hard to turn down.

This experience of walking throughout their vineyard and hills on their land is something like I have never experienced before. There is much more open land than many places I have seen before. It is much different being in another country because nearly everything is different than we are used to. Multiple brand names are changed such as Burger King being a Hungry Jack’s and the food is much different as well. 

This experience of travelling this far away is something I will never forget. There were so many activities and trips that my family and I did while visiting this unknown country. It was definitely one of the best times of my life and I would go back in a heartbeat if I could.

Map of Adelaide

Dec 2021
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