Service work has been an important part of my life since I was young. I was raised volunteering my time as much as I could. During my freshman year, I helped move boxes to get ready to open Tailwaggers Southside SPCA during the Honors Retreat. I also sold tickets and set up for the Honors Student Association SPCA Ball. I helped the Honors Student Association direct traffic for the Around the World 5k and sell letters during the Relay for Life event for the HSA table. During my first semester as a sophomore, I was HSA’s co-chair for our Oktoberfest booth. Cameron Roblewsky and I made hand-painted coasters to sell and we raised over $200. Though I have been less active with HSA, I still have maintained my volunteering services when I joined my sorority, Sigma Kappa. We have five philanthropies with our most recognizable being the Alzheimer’s Association. I have been blessed with raising money for the past two years and walking for hopes that one day there will be a cure.