Leadership Journals

Within my leadership and professional development in social work class we wrote journals for each chapter to show what we have learned and what we thought about it. Each subpage is a different journal that I wrote.

Journal #1

This journal contains scores from a leadership assessment I took from our textbook. The assessment shows what my weakest and strongest leadership dimensions are. The dimensions that were being scored were surgency, conscientiousness, and openness to experience. You can read my journal to see my scores in those dimensions and how I felt about those scores.

Journal #2

This journal contains scores from leadership assessment about values that I took from our textbook. The assessment shows my strongest and weakest values. The values that were being scored were family, social, professional, financial, community, physical, intellectual, and spiritual. You can read my journal to see my scores in those values and how I felt about those scores.

Journal #3

This journal contains my opinions on the NASW and how it is important. I explain what I believe the most important thing that the NASW does. How I will use the NASW in the future and how I have used it in the past. You can read my journal to see what I think about the NASW and how I will and have used it.