Professional Development and Research for Education

Evolving Research Question

Original Research Question: How can teachers and parents increase student learning outside of the classroom?

Updated Research Question: How can student learning be further supported/increased outside of the classroom?


Evolving Research Question Reflection

                At first, I focused on analyzing how teachers and parents could support students in their learning outside of school, but then I began to broaden this perception. There are many other factors that can help students when they’re not in the classroom. Once I realized that teachers, parents, the community, and even the child’s school can all have a positive impact on increasing their instruction outside of the classroom, my teacher research question then became: How can student learning be further supported/increased outside of the classroom? With this as my over-arching question, I aimed to address how the four sources of aid could assist the child once leaving school. It’s important to draw emphasis to the “leaving school” part, as the school itself can surely send home plenty of resources for the child and their parent(s) to use.

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