Journal 3

Since last week, I have worked at the station a lot more than my first two weeks here, especially since I don’t have any more vacation days planned. After learning the basics of Audacity, I got to learn how to work with the program Audition. At the station, we use this program to load mixes into the system so that they can be queued up on the radio. They also taught me about the different types of commercials that they record for the radio. One last thing I learned this week was how to segue the show. This is the process where you arrange the tracks so there aren’t any silent breaks while the station is on air. You also have to make sure the music flows together and does not sound choppy, otherwise the station could lose listeners because the could potentially think something was wrong with their radio.

Since segueing the show is so important and was a new concept for me, I struggled trying to get the show to flow how I wanted to; however, like with the issues I had last week, it just took a little practice to get everything down. After working on it for one day, I can now say that I am confident enough to segue the entire show on my own. Another challenge that I am noticing is the impact this schedule is having on me. Because I work another job immediately before this one, I’m noticing how exhausted I am getting after arriving back home. While it would be nice to sleep more, I still very much enjoy the internship and will continue to push so I can get the most out of this experience.

After being here for a few weeks, I’m starting to see how much I love this part of the entertainment industry. There’s so much that goes into it and it just fascinates me how it all comes together to its final product. Before interning here, I never took the time to think about how much is put into creating a smooth radio show. I thought the music just played automatically and everything fell into place due to an algorithm or something of that nature, but now I see how much effort is actually put into the radio station and it’s made me appreciate working here even more.