Involvement | Attitutde towards cancllation of Activities | ||
Yes | No | Maybe | |
Participate | 4.3 % | 9.48%` | 3.10% |
Dont Participate | 5.50% | 10.30% | 19.77% |
Other | 2.30% | 33.30% | 25.50% |
CHI SQUARE | 14.346 |
I conducted a CHI SQUARED test in order to understand if there was a significant difference between students who engage in Longwood activities and students who do not engage in Longwood activities. Students who responded “Yes” agreed to the University policy to cancel some on campus activities due to COVID-19. Students who responded “NO” did not agree to the policy and the students who responded “maybe” did not care either way. According to the results from the test students who take part in activities on campus did not agree with the canceling of some Longwood Activities. Students who do not participate in on campus activities were more likely to pick maybe or no to the opposition of canceling activities. According to the chi squared test three was a significant difference in the agreement of students to the canceling of activities on campus.