Category Archives: Closed Positions

Education & Counseling Department

2020-2021 Part-Time, Fall & Spring Provide support to the Department Chair of Education and Counseling, Dr. Kevin Doyle. Work closely with those program areas in need of assistance at any given time during the semester.  Tasks have included: supporting research … Continue reading

Posted in 2020-2021, Closed Positions, College of Education & Human Services | Leave a comment

College of Graduate Studies – Special Projects and GA at large

2020-2021 Full-Time, Fall & Spring  The Graduate Dean is looking for an independent, energetic, and self-motivated Graduate Assistant to help with a variety of programs and tasks that support the Graduate College, Professional Studies, Academic Affairs, and our graduate programs … Continue reading

Posted in 2020-2021, Closed Positions, College of Graduate & Professional Studies | Leave a comment

Office of Alumni & Career Services

2020-2021 Full-Time, Fall & Spring The graduate assistants in the Office of Alumni and Career Services are integral in providing one-on-one career coaching to undergraduate students each day in office on topics such as, resume and cover letter editing, interview … Continue reading

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Academic/Research Assistant – Financial Literacy

2020-2021 Full-Time, Fall & Spring Graduate Assistant will assist in financial literacy research and data entry. Extensive use of spreadsheet software required. For full job description, contact Dr. Bennie Waller,, 434-395-2046 TWO Standard Full-Time Academic Assistant Position College of … Continue reading

Posted in 2020-2021, Closed Positions, College of Business & Economics | Leave a comment

Graduate Student Association Officer & Student Service Assistant

2020-2021 Part-Time, Summer, Fall & Spring Provide support and leadership for the Graduate Student Association (GSA) Serve as GSA officer and coordinate activities Ensure compliance with the Student Government Association (SGA) regulations and procedures Foster recognition of graduate students Work … Continue reading

Posted in 2020-2021, Closed Positions, College of Graduate & Professional Studies | Leave a comment

Special Education Program

2020-2021 Full-Time, Fall & Spring Provide assistance to both full-time and adjunct faculty in conducting research for updating course content, preparing materials, and delivering classes in both face-to-face and hybrid formats Assist the SPED faculty and staff with the development … Continue reading

Posted in 2020-2021, Closed Positions, Special Education | Leave a comment

HARK (Health, Athletic Training, Recreation & Kinesiology) Teaching Assistant

2020-2021 Full-time, Fall & Spring Opportunities to teach, assist, develop, and assess lessons for Health & Physical Education (HPE) undergraduate courses (if applicable)​. Assist in HARK and HPE program initiatives, participate and plan community service and health promotion activities, and assist in conducting and … Continue reading

Posted in 2020-2021, Closed Positions, Health & Physical Education | Leave a comment

Counselor Education Program

2020-2021 Full-Time, Fall & Spring Assist in ongoing CACREP-accreditation requirements and day-to-day operations of the program including attendance at meetings, as well as, work in areas such as marketing, social media, event organization, and special projects. Support the Counselor Education faculty … Continue reading

Posted in 2020-2021, Closed Positions, Counselor Education | Leave a comment

Educational Leadership Endorsement Assistant

2020-2021 Part-Time, Fall, Spring & Summer Assist with citations, rubrics, and Power-Points for courses, and overall course improvement Locate resources for courses as needed Serve as a communication conduit for the new cohort of students Copy NPCEA proposal and add … Continue reading

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Master of Business Administration Program

2020-2021 Full-Time, Fall & Spring Assist the program director with administrative tasks of the MBA program Research and gather alumni and other data for the program Input data into spreadsheets and do basic analyses Assist with course scheduling and development … Continue reading

Posted in 2020-2021, Closed Positions, MBA Program | Leave a comment