Author Archives: Victoria Potter

Social Media Civility

Social media sites (like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit to name a few) allow their users to experience a completely open form of freedom of speech in the online world. Ideally, one could post whatever they please, but this does … Continue reading

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Artificial Intelligence: Ethically Moral?

Everyday we face decisions, but how can we tell if something we do is ethical? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term ethics as the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation. In this … Continue reading

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Using Viral Fame to Make a Change

In chapter 3 of Social Media Freaks: Digital Identity in the Network Society by Dustin Kidd, Kidd focuses on how social media and members of the LGBTQ+ community are interconnected. One concept that Kidd goes on to explain in this … Continue reading

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