Author Archives: Declan McDonald

Social Media Accounts and Accurate Life Portrayals (Online Reflection)

Personal social media accounts can be a positive or unforgiving representation of a person or group.  Often our accounts are viewed by people we do not know, and this can be beneficial or harmful towards an image and reputation.  It … Continue reading

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Technology is not to blame, we are (Op-Ed)

By Declan McDonald December 29 at 8:00 PM We use technology to advance medical practices, transportation, and even planning out our schedules.  These tools help us however, we are losing some of the most interpersonal and human aspects that create our … Continue reading

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Social media makes it difficult to spend quality time with each other (Proposal Argument)

  Social media has made it difficult to spend quality time with each other.  We are so distracted by social media that we don’t give each other attention.  Social media has turned hanging out, into sitting in a room fully … Continue reading

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Communicating with Declan McDonald

I am an active and engaging member of Longwood’s academic community.  Communication with people is a passion of mine, and I do my best to seek out any opportunities available to add value towards my relationships with my peers, friends, … Continue reading

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