Author Archives: Naomi Cook

About Naomi Cook

I'm a senior at Longwood University.


When thinking about how classroom technology can have a positive or negative effect on a student’s Literacy this Acrostic poem can help give you an idea.               Lack of proper Language skills Ideas are at … Continue reading

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Identity Blog Draft

Arcosstic Poem News Cast Recipe The blog will be centered around Literacy and technology; however, it may include ideas about creativity as well .

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art and skill of a digital writer is to understand audience and situation but 2 b shrt #notablog

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#Retweets for Research

How Traditional Research Papers are a Drab by Naomi Cary on August 29, 2018 • 0 Comments When thinking of traditional research papers this is what I picture students feeling: There are many different options for us teachers to explore when thinking about … Continue reading

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