Monthly Archives: April 2023


Hi, my name is Robert and welcome to my E-Portfolio! I am currently a senior at Longwood University and pursuing to get my degree in Psychology with a minor in Sociology. Throughout my years at Longwood, I have gained experience … Continue reading

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Questions about Commencement? Here are some answers

I have been seeing some questions about Commencement from parents on social media, so I thought it might be a good time to provide answers to some frequently asked questions now, even though Commencement is still more than a month … Continue reading

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Portfolio Reflection 3: Inequality

Sociology courses that dealt specifically with the area of inequality: This course covers causes, consequences, and justifications of social inequalities people face in the United States. Social categories including race, ethnicity, gender, social class, physical ability, and more affect the … Continue reading

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Independent Samples T-Test

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Welcome to my Biology e-portfolio!

Hello! My name is Hailee Shania Banks, and I am a Senior Biology major, Neuroscience Studies minor at Longwood University! Upon completing my degree in May 2023 and receiving a Bachelors degree in Biology, I have completed a variety of … Continue reading

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