About Me

I currently am attending the Longwood University Social Work program. I have a 3.2 GPA. My biggest achievements have included becoming Vice President of the Social Work Honor Society, Phi Alpha, as well as being accepted into an internship position at Victim / Witness Assitance Program (VWAP) and United Methodist Family Services (UMFS). 

VWAP is an advocacy program to provide support, counsel, and referral to community services that are available for those who are victims of crimes. During my time at VWAP, I received many different perspectives in regards to the legal system and the system for victims or witnesses of crimes. At the end of my internship, I am projected to complete 540 hours of experience. These experiences include documentation and filing, training, and assisting clients with court processes. These court processes can include assisting with protective orders and escorting clients to court.

UMFS is a nonprofit agency that provides a multitude of programs to meet the needs of high-risk children and parents to help them overcome challenging situations. During my time at UMFS, I feel I have received a broad range of perspectives when it comes to working with children and families, and even other co-workers. I completed 200 hours of experience, which include documentation, training, and conducting home visits with other Social Workers. Documentation has included writing contact notes for home visits that I have attended with a Social Worker. 

In addition, I have done volunteer hours working with Longwood Life at Longwood University. Longwood Life is a program at Longwood University that provides a two-year non-degree post-secondary certificate program for individuals with intellectual disabilities. The program teaches them skills for independent living within the college setting. This remarkable experience gave me the ability to get to know the individuals who are a part of Longwood Life, while also giving me a greater understanding of students who have disabilities.

I was a Resident Assistant at Longwood University, giving me the aptitude and opportunity to meet many different individuals with many diverse backgrounds. This opportunity, to work as a Resident Assistant, has afforded me the chance to understand and help those around me in this setting, while also affording me the opportunity to work with others.

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