
Bad News Letter

In learning how to craft a more professionally curated work, I revised my previous Bad news Letter written to tell an office floor about a change in dress code. When revising, I was careful to avoid generalizations as well as add a better alternative for the office employees such as workers being permitted to wear casual footwear around the office aas compensation for the sacrifice of casual fridays.



To: All

From: Mary Sodjek, General Manager

CC: Home Office 

Date: September 13th, 2021

Subject: Casual Fridays

Terrapin insurance is a business that prides itself on putting its best foot forward, and we expect our employees to do the same. Effective immediately, casual dress on fridays will no longer be permitted. 

After consulting with the corporate office, an agreement was made that staff need to adhere to the business professional dress code previously established, without exception. 

Staff at Terrapin Insurance Corp. are known for their professionalism and poise, carrying themselves with dignity. Not only do our customers appreciate it, but as does the community. It establishes a sense of respect and trustability within our customer base. We want to keep that reputation going and therefore our corporate office has agreed that the previous “casual friday” dress code allowance will be suspended until further notice.  Starting the week of September 13th, 2021, Employees will be expected to adhere to the business professional dress code established and there will be no exceptions.  As compensation for the change, employees may be allowed to wear casual footwear on all workdays. 

 We know our dedicated employees want nothing more than to put their best foot forward at Terrapin Insurance Corp. This improvement to our dress code will hopefully boost general community morale and improve our overall performance. 

I would be happy to discuss any other details if you have questions, comments, or concerns regarding this change. I appreciate your commitment to Terrapin Insurance Corp. and am available for further communication.