My Reflections

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In a Liberal Studies discipline, one must be an expert in maintaining an organized classroom and schedule. In order to have a safe environment in a classroom, the teacher must be organized. If the classroom is a mess, then the students could get hurt when there are group activities. Not only is safety a concern, but the concentration of the students can and will suffer. Students need an clean, organized classroom and a steady routine in order to do their best in school.

My past experiences have helped me be able to keep track of children, and maintain a consistent routine. A few years ago I worked at a dog day care. I was in charge of up to 30 dogs at one time. This experience taught me how to keep an eye on everyone to make sure they were all with me in the yard and that they were all safe. This can translate into the classroom during recess by being able to watch all of the children. Another past experience I have is when I was a nanny for three children. Each child had different sports and clubs they were a part of, which I had to keep track of to get them where they needed to be on time. This translates into the classroom because I saw how much children need and thrive off of structure.

Two good qualities in a leader are being organized, and time management. I have learned throughout the years to master both of those qualities.  A philosophy I have in order to have a successful classroom, is to provide the students with structure that they may be lacking at home. In classes I have taken, it has been proven that children need consistency; therefore, I will do my best to provide that for each of my students.

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