Last week of classes

My last week of classes went terrific, I had lengthy final critique it was very long, and fun and I made a lot of ceramics during my time Italy, and I earned a B for the class, and my ceramic all reflected my heritage and my sorority so and photos, so it was a blast, Now my photo class went terrific the last week I earned an A in this class and took the most amazing images of the city. I took photos of the Piti place and the Uffizi and Pisa and duomo it was very incredible.

My 20th birthday

My 20th Birthday aboard was terrific. I had my last photo class all day, so that was fun. I got so many messages on my facebook and from the sorority that morning was jam-packed with messages. Then my night was so fun went to dinner with mom and sister and then went my surprise party that my sister threw me, and I also got a lot of presents from mom and sister, and I did mama mia for karaoke that night it was one best Birthday of my life.