Citizen 110

My Honors Citizen 110 class was taken with Dr. Blincoe.  This class filled a Civitae requirement for my first year here at Longwood.  It was a challenging course but extremely interesting!

In this class, I learned about many different philosophers, what they believed in, and how it does or does not translate into today’s society’s ideals.  It showed me many different societal ideas through the times, and learned about the philosophers themselves.  One aspect I loved about this class was that it was discussion based.  I struggle with speaking up in classrooms and it pushed my limits, making me more comfortable.  One of the situations that was given in the class that peaked my curiosity was the railroad dilemma.  The railroad dilemma is as follows: There is a train that is going towards a five strangers but there is a split in the track.  The other track has one person standing on it.  You are not able to warm either parties but you have the ability to change the direction of the train.  Do you do nothing? Do you save five and let the train hit one?  It was such an interesting question to me because it did not really have a solid answer.

In our class we were taught how to write proper notes and graded on them until they were satisfactory.  This was the first class that I was properly taught how to write summary notes that will carry me through the rest of my classes in college.  It showed me lots of different society ideas through the times, and learned about the philosophers themselves.