Causes Mental Illness

There are many different causes to the different types of mental illness. According to an article by Bruce Link, Jo Phelan, Michaeline Bresnahan, Ann Stueve, and Bernice Pescosolido, the public has many possibilities of what causes mental health. The give six possibilities. “[T]he person’s own bad character, a chemical imbalance in the brain, the way the person was raised, stressful circumstances in the person’s life, a genetic or inherited problem, and “God’s will.”

Link, B. G., Phelan, J. C., Bresnahan, M., Stueve, A., & Pescosolido, B. A. (1999). Public Conceptions of Mental Illness: Labels, Causes, Dangerousness, and Social Distance. American Journal of Public Health89(9), 1328–1333.

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