Monthly Archives: December 2020

Coping Mechanism and Resources

Families experience stress from mental illnesses in different ways so below is a link for ways to cope with the stress that comes with COVID-19 and some resources that can be helpful for some people who are struggling.

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Insights of How COVID- 19 Affects People with Severe Mental Illness

Below is attached an article on the impact that COVID-19 have on people with severe mental illnesses.

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Resources to Help With Mental Illness Outside of a Pandemic

Some in family coping mechanisms can be maintaining clear boundaries, communicating effectively, being flexible with rules, roles, and expectation, being committed to the family, maintaining a healthy marriage relationship, and maintaining family rituals and routines. These coping mechanisms are from … Continue reading

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COVID and Mental Health/ Illness

Something some may find a little close to home is that COVID-19 can lead to people having mental health problems. With COVID-19 comes a lot of stress from different sources of COVID from being worried about catching it to the … Continue reading

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Adaption Process

When it comes to a family with a child that has a mental illness it is important for families to not just focus on the child with mental illness so parents need to find a balance. From the book Families … Continue reading

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COVID-19 Affects

According to KFF Tracking Polling their has been an increase in how people feel that COVID negatively affected their mental health. It went from 32% in March to 53% in mid-July. “Many adults are also reporting specific negative impacts on … Continue reading

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“Mental illnesses are common in the United States. Nearly one inĀ five U.S. adults live with a mental illness (51.5 million in 2019).”,(51.5%20million%20in%202019).

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Causes Mental Illness

There are many different causes to the different types of mental illness. According to an article by Bruce Link, Jo Phelan, Michaeline Bresnahan, Ann Stueve, and Bernice Pescosolido, the public has many possibilities of what causes mental health. The give … Continue reading

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Hello world!

Welcome to Longwood Blogs. My name is Sharrell Cuffee and this is my first blog. I am creating this blog to bring some information to readers about Mental Illness and Family Stress. It will discuss what the nature of Mental … Continue reading

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What is Mental Illness?

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feelings, moods, and behavior. Mental illnesses can range from depression to something more severe one like schizophrenia. Some people can have … Continue reading

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