J. Michael Utzinger

J. Michael Utzinger is Elliott Professor of Religion at Hampden-Sydney College and is Resident Scholar at the R. R. Moton Museum. He received his Ph.D. in European and American Religious History from the University of Virginia, M.Div. from Yale University, and B.A. in Theology from Valparaiso University. While at Hampden-Sydney he received the Cabell Award for Excellence in Teaching. He is the author of Yet Saints Their Watch Are Keeping: Fundamentalists, Modernists, and the Development of Evangelical Ecclesiology, 1887-1937 (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2006). More recently, his research has focused on the religious dimensions of massive resistance in Virginia. His article, entitled “The Tragedy of Prince Edward: The Religious Turn and the Destabilization of One Parish’s Resistance to Integration, 1963-1965” published in the journal Anglican and Episcopal History was awarded the Nelson Burr Prize for best article of 2013.
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