Directed Study (Spring 2021)

The artifact I chose from this course is the infographic I created with my semester-long team for our final project in March 2021. For this project, we were tasked to create a socially innovative idea to help individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic in both countries involved in this course: The United States and The Netherlands.
In reflection of HONS 490, I learned a significant amount about cooperating and innovating with individuals through remote means. Since this course took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was done virtually, and we were given the opportunity to communicate and learn from individuals from the Netherlands. By doing this, I was able to experience companionship and understanding with individuals from a country other than my own. Going forward, I will take the skills of social innovation from a virtual perspective that I learned from this course and use it to be more socially adequate in the future, both in my career and personal life.