SOCL 220 Part 1:
Age: 20
Gender: Woman
Sexual Orientation: Hetrosexual
Physical ability: Full ability
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Race: Mexican American
External Dimensions:
Location: West
Income: $60,000
Personal habits: Drawing, listening to music, traveling, and going out with friends
Recreational habits: Swimming, hiking, and running
Religion: Christain
Education: Masters
Work experience: A very hands-on career
Appearance: Business casual
Parental status: Working class
Children: Yes
Four Main Identities:
The four main identities I chose are Race: Mexican, Religion: Christianity, Children, and Education: Masters. These translate into what I want for my future self by helping me reach the future career and family roles I desire. In the future, I hope to become a competent and caring Social worker as well as a Mom. These identities address my sense of mattering and self-esteem by giving me a purpose and a sense of accomplishment.
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