
I enjoyed doing the common good project with my group. I learned a lot about recycling, and I wish more people would care about recycling. When working on the project with my group, we found it was weird that a lot of the apartments don’t use their recycling bins and people did not know where they were placed. We felt that more people need to understand why recycling is important and the reason it should be done.

My part of the project was getting pictures of the recycling and trash cans of the different living areas for longwood students, interviewing people that lived in the areas, Putting the video of the interviewers together and setting up the website. When I was going around to see where the recycling and trashcans were all placed, they had them either way out of the way or hidden. I noticed at all of the living areas that the trash cans had everything in it and the recycling bin had nothing in them.  When interviewing people, they knew something’s about recycling, but not how it affected our community. After talking to each one of them they had told me that they think that we need more people to understand why recycling is done. I feel that we need to educate people on what happens if they don’t recycle and they if they recycle and what happens to the trash and plastic.

After interviewing everyone, I had to create a video of all of them on iMovie. Learning to use iMovie for the first time was challenging for me but I finally got it the more I worked with it. I liked using iMovie and think that everyone should know how to use it sometime. When setting up the website it was a little challenging at first, but the more I had worked with it the easier it had gotten. I did get frustrated when working with the website because it would glitch on me quite a bit and it was really slow. I did like working on the website and wish I had done something like this before. Overall, I liked doing this project and learned a lot.