1.2: Analyzing Principles in Cellular and Molecular Biology

Although I prefer the ecological side of biology, the biology curriculum at Longwood requires the biology majors to take courses in courses of all discipline. Taking courses at all levels of biology has helped provide a foundation for my future careers and classes. One of these levels of biology included the cellular and molecular level. The courses that allowed me to explore and learn about cellular and molecular biology was BIOL 250 Cellular and Molecular Biology and BIOL 324 Genetics courses.

In BIOL 250, one of the projects that I performed was a partner research project. During this project, my partner and I designed and perform our own experiment and analyze our own data. For my project, I decided to test how the different flow speed of water affects the microbial diversity. My partner and I collected water samples for the flowing Buffalo creek and from the stagnant retention ponds in Lancer park. By performing PCR on the isolated DNA from the microbes, we were able to sequence the data and use online genetic libraries to identify the bacterial species. From this project, I was able to develop my laboratory techniques and skills, and develop my knowledge at the cellular and molecular level.

In BIOL 324, our lab group was tasked to work on an on going project call MicRobo Cop. This project had us try to genetically modify bacteria to react to gunshot residue in the hops to further improve the recognition of gunshot residue. To do this, we transformed the DNA of E. coli to eventually insert PpbrA promoter, the bacteria was able to successfully detect the lead in gunshot residue. This project has given me the skills and techniques necessary to genetically modify organisms and further developed my understanding of genetics and cellular biology.

With these two classes, I gained many skills and developed my knowledge in cellular and molecular biology. I gained skills such as performing PCR, gel electrophoresis, and isolating DNA. With this knowledge and hands-on experience, I can possibly use them for future careers for breeding endangered animals and to conserve genetic diversity in the wild.

Below is my BIOL 250 poster on how water flow affects the diversity of bacteria.

BIOL 250 Poster

Below is my BIOL 324 paper on genetic biology.

Final Lab Report_Genetics 324 (1)