1.6: Applying Biology to Contemporary Issues

People outside of the scientific community do not completely understand that biology is a part of every aspect of their lives. As a biology student, I am able to see the world in a different light and scientifically. Throughout my time at Longwood, I have learned about different issues throughout the different levels of biology and how to present them to others within and outside of the scientific community. The classes that highlighted this was my BIOL 251 Ecology and Evolution, BIOl 330 Conservation Biology and BIOL 455 Wetlands Seminar.

In my BIOL 251 and 330 courses, I looked at how invasive species have affected the natural environment. In BIOL 251, I examined how an invasive species of crayfish out competes a native crayfish species for the same resource. In BIOL 33o, my project was to examine the different invasive snake species, one established and one newly established. After do multiple literature searches and one lab experiment, I found the various different effects of invasive species. For both of these projects, I discovered how detrimental invasive species can be to the native species and ecosystem as a whole. After knowing the effects of invasive species, I was able to write up a conservation plan in a research proposal to potentially eliminate or at least lessen their effects.

Another conservation issue in the world today is climate change. Although many people believe that climate change has only impacted the ocean and weather, it has changed the ranges of animals. In BIOL 330, my one group project involved examining the effects of climate change on the hawaiian avifuana. Because of climate change, mosquitos ranges have expanded to farther down the islands mountains introducing avain malaria to birds not normally exposed to it. During this presentation, my group presented different management practices that could potentially combat the effects of climate change.

In my BIOL 455 course, I examined the topic of created vernal pools as wetland mitigation. Many times, wetlands will be artificially created to make up for the wetlands that are often built over. During my literature review, I found that many created vernal pools do and do not imitate natural vernal pools depending on the characteristic being looked at. Through the use of a literature review, I was able to synthesis many sources of wetlands conservation and ecology all into one paper.

These courses and assignments allowed me to grow my skills and knowledge in real world issues and with solutions to solve these issues. These experiences have helped me gain more knowledge about real world issues and how to use different writing styles and presentations to convey the issues and potential solutions.

Below is my BIOL 251 paper involving the issue of invasive species by studying an invasive crayfish species.

Crayfish amphibian interactions

Below is my BIOL 330 poster on again an invasive species, the Burmese Python and the Brown Tree Snake.

The Burmese Python Poster

Below is my BIOL 330 presentation on how climate change and other issues is affecting Hawaiian avifuana.

Conservation of Hawaiian Avifauna

Below is my BIOL 455 paper on created and natural vernal pools. ‘

Wetlands Term Paper