Letter to Senior Self

Hello There Senior Self,

After a tough first year of college, I have finally made it through the year. It wasn’t an easy task to be able to do. The start of the semester I slacked of too much and that cost me having a good GPA in the beginning. I choose to take one of the hardest classes possible with Dr. Issac and it made me regret it due to failing the class. Getting used to the new college life wasn’t really easy either. Since I’m not a social person I really didn’t get any friends to be able to hang out with people.

I’m definitely hoping that with you graduating finally that you’re dreams and goals are starting to come together. I know that being in the criminal justice field it isn’t easy especially with not being able to hear well. I do hope that you have finally figured out what you have to do and what career path you want to go into. I know that you will still count on God to have a path for you and you will follow it.

Right now I don’t really know what to expect for myself right now. There are a lot of things that plays a role into the future. I know right now I am leaning of coming back to Georgia for my future. I know that what God has in store it will be his way all the time. College is for making new friends, but the friends that I can’t forget are in Georgia. As I completed my first year I believe that it is time to go back to them and spend more time with friends.

There are a lot of things that you may be thinking about especially with graduation soon to arrive, but if there is one thing to take out of this it is to just trust God in everything. God has a plan and knows what you are going to do. Your story has already been written and it’s time to live that story. As of today I believe that story continues and Georgia and with the reflection of college I hope you fully understand of what God has in store. I also hope that you realise of what the path is


Freshmen Self.