Wade Edwards

Author's posts

Twin Boys, One Transgender, Become Brother and Sister

As early as age 4, Wyatt Maines asked his mother, “When do I get to be a girl?” And he told his father he hated his penis. Wyatt always liked girl’s clothes and movies, while his twin brother Jonas played with traditional boy toys. Born identical twins, the siblings share the same DNA, but their …

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Facts & Figures on Women, Poverty & Economics

There is a direct link between increased female labour participation and growth: It is estimated that if women’s paid employment rates were raised to the same level as men’s, America’s GDP would be 9 percent higher; the euro-zone’s would be 13 percent higher, and Japan’s would be boosted by 16 percent.  Continue here.

The new domesticity: Empowering or a step back for American women?

I’m planning on canning homemade jam this holiday season, swept up in the same do-it-yourself zeitgeist that seems to have carried off half my female friends. I picked and froze the berries this summer, and I’ve been squirreling away flats of Ball jars under my kitchen sink for months. For recipes, I’m poring over my …

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Nigerian Senate Approves Anti-Gay Marriage Bill

AP – November 29, 2011 Nigeria’s Senate voted Tuesday to criminalize gay marriage, gay advocacy groups and same-sex public displays of affection, the latest legislation targeting a minority already facing discrimination in Africa’s most populous nation.  More here.

How manly is that pizza, Herman Cain?

Presidential candidate Herman Cain, a former CEO of a pizza chain, has determined that the toppings on a pizza can serve as indicators of a man’s masculinity.  http://wapo.st/sCSu3W

At Front of Brooklyn Bus, a Clash of Religious and Women’s Rights

An article in a Columbia Journalism School publication has prompted a review of the B110 line in Brooklyn, on which women are to ride in the back. http://nyti.ms/oNaPWo

Women Recovering From Recession Much Slower Than Men

Men lost more jobs than women did in the Great Recession, but their unemployment levels have been steadily decreasing over the past year, the study shows. Women, on the other hand, are facing a stalemate and regaining very few jobs, resulting in a significantly higher percentage of women who continue to have deep concerns about …

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Eating with Men Means Eating Less

It turns out that the gender of your dining companions makes a big difference in what you eat and how much you eat. The new research on dining habits — although small — adds a new dimension to the study of risk factors for obesity, and could also shed new light on eating disorders such …

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Tom Brady’s Unmanly Hair

For some men, throwing an uncharacteristic four interceptions in one game would necessitate a real gut-check moment. They’d review film, talk to their receivers, go to Jesus. They’d ask, “What’s wrong with me?” Tom Brady knew what was wrong. He threw four interceptions, then HE cut his hair. Anyone who noticed sang “Hallelujah.”  Keep reading.

Congratulations, Television! You Are Even Worse At Masculinity Than Femininity

NPR – September 29, 2011 Tonight, CBS premieres How To Be A Gentleman, a brainless buddy comedy presenting a dichotomy in which men can be either delicate, ineffectual, sexless weaklings or ill-mannered but physically powerful meatheads. Says this show — over and over, in both its marketing and in its actual dialogue — there are …

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