Woo hoo for Yahoo for making pregnant Marissa Mayer its new CEO

From the Washington PostNot having it all is so last week; now here comes 37-year old Marissa Mayer, who in a single day showed up for her new job running Yahoo and announced that she’s expecting her first child in October. 

Of course, Yahoo knew Mayer was pregnant when they hired her. “They showed their evolved thinking,’’ she told Fortune magazine. Which makes me want to call for the opposite of a boycott.

The decision to hire Mayer — Google’s first female engineer, who reportedly had been running about a quarter of the company — sends a great message to women (and about Yahoo, which could use some good PR.) It may even have a trickle-down effect, at a minimum inside Mayer’s new shop.

How big a deal is this? According to TechCrunch, this is a first for a CEO of a publicly-traded Fortune 500 company.  Keep reading.

UPDATE 7/23: WGS alumna, Lynne Grosso, forwarded this link to a follow-up story in USA Today.  Thanks, Lynne!

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