Spaces for Seeing (Citizen 110)

In Citizens 110, we focused on expression through visual art. We had many assignments where we took a series of pictures that either told a story or had some sort of interconnected meaning behind all of them. We then wrote up an essay explaining our own thought process behind our own collection of pictures. It was a very unique course and I have never taken something quite like it before.

My favorite memory I have of the course was when we first had to draw the classroom by memory, and then the iconic cereal mascot Cap’n Crunch by memory. After each round the class would compare the drawings and see which ones were the most accurate. It was very fascinating seeing how differently people visualize the same thing from one another.

rubber ducky essay

My artifact for this class is an essay where we had to find a piece of art on campus and analyze it. The piece of art I found were child-size crutches crafted out of rubber ducks. It was something that at first glance looks kind of funny, however once you read its description the entire mood of the piece shifts to something bittersweet. It especially stood out to me since the inspiration of the ducks is the rubber ducky song form Sesame Street, something that I myself loved as a young child.