I took online physical fitness over the interterm of 2018. Taking winter classes is my trick to taking as least classes as possible during the Spring because the credits transfer to that semester! I enjoyed this class because I was held responsible for exercising and reaching goals. I was little apprehensive about the course for the time being because I was traveling with family to Jamaica during the class. It worked out just fine! I video taped myself in the resort gym and completed steps from walking on the beach! Attached is an example of how many steps I completed this day during the class!


Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional

Microbiology was my favorite class of sophomore year! I have always enjoyed the sciences and this class was the perfect way to combine biology and my future career in nursing. We learned about different viruses and how they transfer, germs, and bodily processes. It was very interesting and our professor was engaging and passionate about the subject. At the end of the class, we participated in handing out fliers to the Farmville community by educating Walmart goers on the importance of vaccinations. Attached is my reflection on why I thought my outreach efforts were a success!

Goal 7 History 100

For Foundations of Western Civilization, professor Isaac taught me life long lessons regarding history engagement and intelligence gaining. This course enhanced my ability to cite correctly and research effectively. After researching for countless hours in the library, Isaac reviewed and constructively critiqued my work by teaching me the meaning behind why we ask questions about history. In order to resist making mistakes in the future, it is essential that we research and understand the past.

Because Isaac is a professor who merely lectures, I took detailed notes on my laptop that I referred to. The first document (first week of school) is the first notes taken in this course. The second document (last week of first semester) is notes taken the last week of class. This artifact exemplifies the growth of my comprehension of the course.

Goal 10- Foreign Language Competency

Spanish 101, taught by professor Sanchez, was the first required foreign language class I have taken in college. This course provided me with the foundation of deep exploration into varying cultures and a true understanding of this language. Because of my professor’s helpful methods and enthusiasm in the classroom, I will study abroad this summer in Spain (2018).

This artifact is a lab assignment that was created before my decision was made on studying abroad. Spain has always been a place of interest for me that sprouted in this course. Lab assignment November 13, 2017.


Human Anatomy and Physiology

A & P, taught by my favorite professor Professor Durren, influenced my journey as a Nursing major by laying the foundations for future courses. This course applied skills including long-term memorization and hands-on experimental techniques in order to receive good grades. Because I needed a C or above to continue on in the Nursing Program, I focused my energy into this course and therefore gave me the grade deserved.

The artifact provided is a document of previous notes that were taken in addition to his slideshow notes and notes taken from the textbook. Taking notes in addition to studying the slides was an optional task that put me above the curve.


Anatomy Week 4


Goal 7- Foundation of Western Civilization

Professor Isaac did an extraordinary job in engaging myself and my peers into the history and growth of western civilization.  This course challenged me in a subject I am weakest in, therefore strengthening my ability to adapt to change.    Because of this course, I will pursue knowledge in history short term and longterm. Isaac taught me to always

Spanish 2

My second Spanish course, taught by Professor Waggoner, helped me make the wise decision of studying abroad in the summer of 2018. This professor was influential because of her experience and fluidity in Spanish and English. I learned how to make conversation in Spanish without stuttering or hesitation and progressed my overall ability to speak this foreign language. Because of this course, I have considered minoring in Spanish but have yet to make that decision.

This artifact is my final project in this course that represents my growth in Spanish and my confidence in speaking it.

Video Project Waggoner

Human Growth and Development

This course, taught by Dr. Hastings was my favorite course taken thus far at Longwood University. This professor was engaged and motivated therefore making her students intrigued. The information presented was interesting because the course is designed for education majors yet is a requirement for nursing majors. If I were not dedicated to my major, this professor would convince me to choose teaching. We learned the physical, mental, and social development of children from infant to young adult.

This paper was an analysis of three categories of ages that represent the growth studied throughout the course. We interviewed and analyzed our findings and concluded our research in this paper.


Anatomy and Physiology 2

A&P second semester was taught again by Professor Durren. I enjoyed this course more than the first section of Anatomy because I had mastered my studying techniques and his lecturing through practice first semester. I also enjoyed going into more depth into muscular physiology and the reproductive system. I gained key information that will be influential and a necessity in my future nursing courses.

This artifact is an example of an easy learning technique of listening for information not presented on the slide show and writing down extra details to aid in the studying process.

Anatomy Week 4