Honors Papermaking

This course was my first and only art class that will be taken during my time at Longwood. Because I enjoyed art in high school and was a part of AP art and art club, I decided an honors art class would be an enjoyable course. I could not have been more right! This class taught me what it means to step outside the box and to expand my abilities into a medium I was unfamiliar with. This class brought me out of my shell and let myself express personal experiences through art. Attached is my final project and my artist statement. This project was emotionally difficult yet brought me closer to understanding my grief.

Honors Appreciation of Music

Honors Appreciation of Music is the only music class I will take during my time at Longwood. I was previously involved in music when I was in middle school and was extremely passionate about music and the flute. This class required me to spend time listening to a wide variety of music by musicians I had never heard of. Each song and artist made a tremendous impact on the world and it was interesting learning about their experience with music. At the end of the semester, our professor took us on a field trip to the Opera in Richmond! I was so excited to get dressed up and watch a show that was so widely appreciated. Attached is an assignment I completed while in the class. 



I took online physical fitness over the interterm of 2018. Taking winter classes is my trick to taking as least classes as possible during the Spring because the credits transfer to that semester! I enjoyed this class because I was held responsible for exercising and reaching goals. I was little apprehensive about the course for the time being because I was traveling with family to Jamaica during the class. It worked out just fine! I video taped myself in the resort gym and completed steps from walking on the beach! Attached is an example of how many steps I completed this day during the class!


Microbiology for the Healthcare Professional

Microbiology was my favorite class of sophomore year! I have always enjoyed the sciences and this class was the perfect way to combine biology and my future career in nursing. We learned about different viruses and how they transfer, germs, and bodily processes. It was very interesting and our professor was engaging and passionate about the subject. At the end of the class, we participated in handing out fliers to the Farmville community by educating Walmart goers on the importance of vaccinations. Attached is my reflection on why I thought my outreach efforts were a success!

Study Abroad Scholarship

This Spring, I was fortunate enough to receive scholarship money from the Honors College to attend a study aboard trip of my dreams! I was so grateful for this financial help because it led me towards experiences and memories I will never forget.

Kappa Delta Sorority

Spring of my Freshman year I decided to go through rush. Although I was hesitant, I am so grateful for the friends and opportunities this organization has given me. The main focus of this organization is to give back to the community. Because of this, I give back 20 hours of community service per semester for the betterment of myself, the community, and the chapter. Our philanthropies (Prevent Child Abuse America, Girl Scouts of the USA, and Madeline’s House) have served to better the lives of thousands.