Course Journal

By completing these journal entries I discovered how Rhetoric is used and how persuasion tools can be found and used in most interactions that we exchange in with each other. Over the course of this semester we were asked to read chapters from “Thank You for Arguing” by Jay Hendricks and post a discussion reviewing the main ideas of those chapters and how they are expressed in the real world. I pulled a few examples from chapter 19, chapter 23, and chapter 28. Chapter 19 is based around basic grammar and language that one can use in order to make themselves seem more intelligent or trustworthy to their audience.  In chapter 23, readers we taught what to do if they are actually wrong in an argument. If they make mistake this chapter explains how to come back after a mistake and get your audience back on your side. Lastly, chapter 28 will help better the writing skills for a personal persuasion essay. I tackled these journals by reading the required assigned material. When I read something that I felt was a major finding or was an often discussed topic in that chapter I would make notes. These helped guide me with my writings when it came time to reflect.