Professional Development


Attached here is a link to my LinkedIn account to help me network within my academic and professional community. Below is the progression of my résumé since beginning at Longwood. As you can see, I have learned how to properly use the accent keyboard.

Resume 2019 – Amber Thomas

Résumé 2020 – Amber Thomas

Honors Enhancement

ENGL 365: Shakespeare, Spring 2020

Payten Bovat and I worked together to analyze various film adaptations of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. By focusing our analysis on key scenes and characters that are present/absent across the films, we drew conclusions as to how it changes the motivations, meanings, and overall direction of the story. We found that although the BBC’s adaptation of Twelfth Night is most loyal to the text, Trevor Nunn does a much better job of utilizing film as an art in itself and that She’s the Man works to further Shakespeare’s original rhetorical argument to include the feminist agenda. Attached below is a copy of our completed project. Due to COVID-19, however, we were unable to attend the traditional poster session.

Shakespeare Enhancement