
Originally, I chose my minor in Psychology because I thought that it would pair well with a degree in Elementary Education. I chose my minor and declared it before dropping my teaching license. I included all of the psychology classes that I have taken as that has helped me to become an expert in psychology, but I also included other classes that I view as relevant to becoming a well-rounded student and person. Psychology is a field that I have always been interested in, and I feel that with whatever I choose to do after graduation, it will serve me well to have a background in psychology. I included these English classes because English 150 is a foundation class for the rest of college; it taught me how to better my writing and how to do research. I enjoyed English 380 because I felt like it was a class that helped me relate to children and the way they read and enjoy books. I included English 400 because this class has taught me how to be professional in a work setting and so many life skills for jobs after graduation.

Relevant courses:

English 400: Writing in Active Citizenship

English 380: Children’s Literature

English 150: Writing and Research

Psychology 101: Intro

Psychology 366: Industrial/Organizational

Psychology 356: Abnormal

Psychology 331: Social

Psychology 357: Psychopathology of the Child/Adolescent

Psychology 384: Cross Cultural Development

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