THEA 100

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Attached is a link to a project completed in my Theatre course during the fall semester of 2018. This project was to explain he importance of regional theaters and how they influence the surrounding community. This project was presented the last week of classes. Learning about the Arizona Theatre company made me think about my local regional theater and the programs they run. These regional theaters are important in the creativity and development of individuals of all ages.

Due to the fact that we had to present the project in front of the class, I was able to practice my public speaking skills. I got the opportunity to learn something new and gain knowledge on a topic that I was not well educated on before hand. I enjoyed this project because each group was given a different regional theater. Come presentation time, not only did we learn about our own theater, we got the opportunity to listen and learn about the other theaters across the nation through the other presenters. Allowing creativity and expressing like these regional theaters do, help encourage children of all ages to learn. Many different plays include life lessons. these plays are being watched by individuals of all ages. I never had a large interest in theatre until this course. It is through this course that I learned it is important to courses outside of your major.

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BIOL 206

Attached is an assignment completed for Anatomy and Physiology I that was taken fall semester of 2018. Throughout the semester we had several assignments where we were given essay prompts that were to be answered in one to two pages. In this particular assignment I had to discuss a muscular system disorder and answer a few specific questions. These assignments allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the material being taught which was very beneficial.

I decided to write about a disease called clostridium botulnum. I had an idea about what this condition was, but I didn’t know all of the facts and specific details. it was interesting for me to learn that things you do in your everyday life can dramatically affect your life. This is a physiology class as well, so learning about diseases within the different body systems is important. It is also important within my major because I will be dealing this these conditions every time I have an interaction with a patient. Knowing all of this information will allow me to better teach my patients. As my education continues, I hope to learn more about different disorders in order to best care for those in need.

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Attached above is my final project for my Honors Human Growth and Development class taken during the fall semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. This project was called the Three Ages Project. It is a combination of three different interviews I conducted from three different age groups. Those being early childhood, late childhood, and adolescents. Alongside this paper, I had to give a presentation the last week of classes discussing  what I observed and was able to learn first hand during the interview process.

In the long run, I know this class with benefit me. I want to go into family practice specializing in cardiology. In family practice I will be dealing with individuals of all ages. Knowing all of the developmental milestones in life is a necessity. Before completing this course I knew children went through different stages, however I was unaware of everything that went into it. I am not able to profincently describe the three different stages of childhood as well as different theories such as Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. As my education continues, I hope to get a deeper understanding of human development to assist me within the nursing profession for  years to come. Not only did this assignment allow me to learn about different stages and theories, it also gave me the opportunity to speak with different aged individuals. I often do not get to chance to talk to those that are much younger than me, so being able to speak in a way a three year old can understand me helped with, my communication skills.

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Attached above is a link to my final project in my HONS CTZN 110 class. This class was called Bodies and Citizens. The basis behind this course was how bodies or groups of individuals were perceived throughout society and whether or not they were accepted as citizens. Our final project was based on the same concept. We had to chose something where we believe someones view as a citizen is diminished based on what they look like, what they believe, or even something that is underlying. I chose to focus my project on those with physical disabilities and how they are often overlooked and judged in society. this project was presented in front of my class on our scheduled final exam day, December 8th at 3:30 pm.

Overall, throughout this course, I learned that even though being a citizen is a basic human right, many are not viewed as citizens in present or past years based off of judgment and ridicule. This class not only taught me about how and when individuals are viewed as citizens, it also taught me that everybody had differencing opinions and it is okay to state your opinion. This course was heavily discussion based and all of the topics were highly controversial. It was hard walking into class after reading an excerpt given for homework knowing we were going to have a discussion on a topic that was very hard to discuss, however this class gave my the opportunity to do just that. With that experience, I have grown. I am now okay with stating my opinions and what I believe despite how others may react. As I continue my time throughout Longwood, I will take what I have learned in this course and take it to other discussion based courses. These skills will allow me to be further engaged and receptive of the information I am being taught.

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