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How can a faculty make course blogging a success?

Below is a compilation of questions and practical articles from Profhacker/The Chronicle of Higher Education:

  1. What is the purpose of your course blog? (Integrating, Evaluating, and Managing Blogging in the Classroom)
  2. How will blogging be integrated into the course blog? (A group or a course hub)
  3. How will you grade students’ blog posts? (grading student blogs; grading rubric; blog audit; pre-class quizzes)
  4. How are you planning to set an example?
  5. How are you planning to encourage consistent content?
  6. How are you planning to make a loop (from classroom-to blogs and back)?
  7. How blogging assignments are different from regular assignments?

For further information about course blogging, please check The ELI Discovery Tool: Guide to Blogging