Formal Report


The formal report was the largest project undertaken this semester. It was simultaneously frustrating and rewards. It incorporated nearly every lesson learned in class this semester and took many hours to complete. Elements of document design were the first issue that was faced. My group started at the design of the logo of our fictional corporation, and moving from there went on to focus on how each page laid upon itself and how it would look once completed. This predominantly came about in keeping the letter of transmittal and authorization to one page and the graphs not only looking pleasant but the text surrounding the graph being aesthetically pleasing. Lessons from the correspondence project were also helpful in writing the content in the letters of authorization and transmittal. Whereas the brochure project made graph making and logo design easy from the practice gained in that assignment.

The textbook was critical in formatting the formal report, without that and the various other resources provided by the instructor this assignment would’ve been impossible. The assignment felt daunting, however, once the meat of the report was taking shape, that is to say the analysis portions were being written it went by smoothly and quickly. The team worked well together and came together to accomplish everything in a timely manner. The end product feels complete and well made from an author’s perspective.

Overall this assignment while simultaneously the most taxing of the class I felt was the best one of all due to the experience gained and the plethora of real world applications this assignment was related to. Any changes that I would make to this project are focused around allotting more time to proof-reading. The content is solid, however, no document is perfect and there are sections of text that could benefit from re-wording or making more concise.