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https://freshstartdva.weebly.com/  (This link is to our website for our Common Good Project)


Reflection: While working on my Common Good Project, I have realized that I am very passionate about the topic of domestic violence. Our topic was domestic violence in relationships. Earlier in the semester, I had already written my rhetorical analysis on sexual assault and rape of women. So, I felt that I  already was very knowledgable about the topic that we had chosen. As a social work major, I feel that it is my job to make these victims feel that they are not alone. So, during the time of finalizing our project we made sure to add different sources and hotlines that helped victims in need. We wanted to make sure that anyone who had access to our brochure or website knew how truly important our topic was. We used 10 different rhetorical strategies in our rationale statement to prove our point as well. Overall, I feel that we succeeded in making our audience aware of the dangers of domestic abuse and violence.

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