During the winter intersession of 2019-2020, I included myself into the offered course of Evolution of the Cosmos. I took strongly to this course because of its applications in relation to my future career interests in the realm of astronomy and astrophysics. The class was a wonderful, yet rigorous, introduction to astronomy and the history of astronomical research. The majority of this course was highly assignment-heavy which benefited much in data gathering and research techniques using the program Stellarium. I highly enjoyed this course and I believe it was a wonderful continuation of my studies in between two semesters.
Within the paper presented, I was given the task to write a short paper on a topic I found of interest in relation to the astronomical world. With this, I wrote on the Pioneer Anomoly, a paper given to me by a professor at Longwood University, which experimented and explained the reasoning behind the decreased acceleration of the Pioneer aircraft at a certain distance from the sun.