Year One [Fall 2019- Spring 2020]

CTZN 110-53

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Above is the slideshow my group used for our panel during the education showcase. Our panel was titled “Monsters or Mercy” and we sought to explored different examples of modern day monsters and were they truly monsters. My experience in CTZN 110 was incredibly unique. Professor Moore had an incredibly abstract way of teaching the course that completely contradicted the traditional classroom. However this also caused some confusion as while she kept instructions vague to allow her students to explore different paths of research, she always had her own belief on the path that the students, myself included, should go down. This often lead to clashing ideas and disagreements, however these disagreements were always settled.

CTZN 110 was an incredibly enlightening course. This course taught me to expect the unexpected and that I am capable of many things, especially defending my own argument. Society and Monsters taught me how to use my voice and speak up for what I believe in, effectively helping me become a wonderful student leader.

PHIL 200-10

PHIL 200 was the black sheep of all of my classes. It was the first test that I got below an 80 on while in college and it was this class that I underestimated. This course taught me that looks can be very, very deceiving. This class also taught me that in order to do well in college I couldn’t just play “school” well, I actually had to understand the material and understand the meaning behind the text. Yes, I was so tired and confused every morning at nine o’clock in the morning every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and yes, I had a concussion for about half of the semester, but by heavens I was going to understand this material.

CMSC 140-02

CMSC 140 was such a fun class. Not only did I complete a pillar, but I also found a new hobby that I always enjoy picking up on a rainy day. I looked forward to every time this class met and I always had a sense of accomplishment whenever I figured out how to not only create working codeĀ  but also to have that code solve the problems handed out to us. This class encouraged me to think outside of the box and that not all subjects have to stay in their neat little boxes. This class helped me realize that the reality is, every subject is just another thread being pulled into the tapestry of a wholesome education. I loved every minute of Computer Science, and I still enjoy it to this day.

MUSC 224-50

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This course was rough. I thought Appreciation of Music was going to be nothing but listening to music and talking about how it made us feel. I was so wrong. So, so wrong. Yet another class that I underestimated, Appreciation of Music showed me the value of hard work. After stuffing index cards full of information, to being able to pull meaning out of seemingly nonsense, to finally being able to understand how the score of a film can play such an integral role, this class truly made me relook at the way I see music.

SOCL 205-04

Taking Deviance was such a good choice. As someone who thrives with consistency, knowing exactly what to expect when I walk into class was such a great feeling. Furthermore, this class taught me that the media often paints a very different story than what the statistics show. A result of this lead me to believe that in order to truly understand a topic of controversy, one must do their own independent research and understand that different outlets may have their own biases, whether it is intentional or not. Deviance helped me understand myself. During a student lead research paper I was able to research a topic that affected me in a very personal way. Not only was I able to better process the events that occurred by doing objective research, I was also able to understand that it was completely normal to feel that way I had been feeling and that I was not alone in experiencing these emotions.

HIST 250-50

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HIST 250, American History from 1877- Current Times. Otherwise known as, “I can’t skip my classes today, I dont want to miss History”. HIST 250 was such a fun class for me to take. I loved the interactive lectures and always felt like I was able to keep up, even if we were moving up a decade a day. This class truly helped me understand that the history that the mainstream media portrays is not always the truth and that if one wants to truly understand how or why things are the way they are, they would have to dig deep and find the truth for themself. This class also helped me pick apart other’s arguments and learn how to compare and contrast the different materials found so that I was able to build a sturdy argument and therefore tell history in my own unique words.

EDUC 245-50

To be frank, Education 245 made me question about whether or not I wanted to have kids. This class helped me realize just how fragile human life is during the early stages and just how many ways things could go wrong. That being said, it also helped me realize things about myself and helped me understand how my past affected my very own development. Furthermore, taking this class helped me realize just how little I initially knew about childhood development. One would think that despite experiencing childhood, I would be an expert but, alas, I am not. Education 250 with Dr. Tackett was an amazing course. In this course I realized just how many different ways I could present my arguments. It didn’t always have to be a tri-fold board or a powerpoint. My information could be presented in a well planned brochure, an infographic, and even a filmed presentation. This class also showed me that when you work together and collaborate with your classmates, new ideas can be formed. Along with this I also learned about the importance of communication when working with a group, and being able to communicate your frustrations in a healthy and helpful manner.