COMM 340 – 01 Blog Post #13 (Chapter 4)

This is one in a series of beautiful commercials Google airs at the end of each year. The theme is to look back at the “year in search” to show the things that happened throughout.  While it is put together really well, it is also an excellent marketing ploy, as people associate these things with Google, and then look to Google the next time they want to find something out.

COMM 340 – 01 Blog Post #12 (Chapter 13)


Game of Thrones is undoubtedly one of the most popular television show actively being created. It’s impact has spread across the globe and created a culture that revolves around the fictional Westeros. There are places where one can pretend to live there, there are games, and pop-up bars all themed around the show. It has certainly made an impact in world of media and more.

COMM 340 Blog Post #11 (Quick Cutting)


Quick cutting has many different effects depending on the type of film it is used in. In a thriller, such as Psycho, quick cutting is used for the ultimate scene following a tense build up. In other action movies, such as Troy, quick cutting is used to show the hectic nature of a fight, as well as to get many angles of the same people.

COMM 340 – 01 Post #10 (Music)

Music does a lot to movies, television, ads, etc. This ad from Apple is focused entirely on music, as it shows the new “animoji” feature using a singalong to music. In addition to the premise of the new feature, the music also serves to add a fun and exciting atmosphere to Apple and their product.