COMM 340 – 01 Blog Post #9 (Chapter 11)

Shallow depth of field can be used in a variety of ways to focus on specific people and things, whilst also making the background much less important. In this specific example from The Handmaiden’s Tale, the focus is on the two characters, their clothes, and their facial expressions. This both shows that they are the current center of attention, and that the setting is not as important as they are in this specific scene.

COMM 340 – 01 Blog Post #8 (Chapter 10)

Editorial Cartoons often center around hyperbole and exaggeration for effect. This cartoon shows a hyperbolic representation of Trump’s positions towards immigrants by comparing it to the Founding Father’s position towards African Americans. The effect is to show the reader that Trump is being worse than those who put slavery into law.

COMM 340 – 01 Blog Post #7 (Chapter 9)

Pie charts are a visually stimulating way of introducing information. This statistical infographic shows many parts creating a whole. This one in particular works as the chart itself has clear color difference and clear headings on the way to showing the reader what their “recommended diet” should consist of.