Author Archives: Ally Salomon

improve draft

To improve my draft I went through all the comments made and applied them to my final paper. I also read through the articles I used in my paper and added some information that was needed. while improving my paper I worked on organizing the sections and improving the flow of my paper. And in the end I added page numbers and fixed my citations by adding a date.

refine thesis or lit.

To refine my thesis, I took my topic of coral bleaching and made it more specific. I made it more specific by focusing on coral bleaching in The Great Barrier Reef. And to refine my sources I focused on the sources that had to do with the Great Barrier Reef and other Reefs near by going through the same issue.

find topic

When finding my topic I was always interested in coral bleaching, but I wanted to pick a specific place. After a lot of researching of articles I decided to pick the Great Barrier Reef because it was the most vulnerable to coral bleaching and climate change. Also, because I am going to Australia for a study abroad this summer so it interested me. All together I found this topic interesting and the Great Barrier Reefs decline to be an important issue to share.

draft paper reflection

While writing my draft paper I split my paper up in to an introduction, vulnerability to climate change due to rising SST, rising SST, coral bleaching is the stress response of coral losing its photosynthetic pigments. After I made the sections I  I went through all my information I collected from my articles and put them into the corresponding section with a citation and mixed in my own thoughts . When I was done with this process I read through my rough draft and created a bibliography at the end of the paper. I then turned it in for revision.