
“It’s not more work, It’s different work.”

Being an honors student doesn’t necessarily mean your’e doing more than everyone else, It means that you’re doing your work differently, challenging yourself in new ways and learning by experience. In my honors English 165 class with Dr. Haffner I was challenged with writing poetry about a personal essay that I had previously wrote for the class. Then, one of my fellow students had to give me an obstruction for my poems. He chose a rap, which meant that I had to perform my poems in a hip-hop style to the class. I was put out of my comfort zone but other honors students helped me with software to record my rap with an autotune and a beat behind it, which I then recorded and played for the class to hear. This was something I would have never thought of doing and I am proud to say that I love the Cormier Honors College and the wonderful professors that teach these honors courses.