
I learned a lot from doing these assignments. For the most part, block letter formatting was something that I struggled with when I worked on assignments for my bank internship. These assignments showed me the correct places for address as well as how many lines separate various sections of the letters. I also learned that paragraphs are not indented when writing professional letters. With the bad news letter, the use of a “nod” was most useful for me because it establishes some connect with the recipient. in my case, I talked about how the reader and I were in agreement that pedestrian safety was a top priority. The persuasive letter also taught me a lot about this field. The AIDA format was very interesting and i think this will be invaluable for me if I were to get a job in this field. Creating Interest was something that I struggled with but these assignments definitely helped me improve this area of writing. I was able to overcome this by using textbook examples and comparing notes with peers.


Persuasive Letter


Bad News Letter