In this ePortfolio, you will find the Bad News Letter, Persuasive Letter, Brochure, Press Release, and Formal Report. Before this course, I did not know how to format and write professional reports, letters, or memos. In English 470, Professional Writing Skills, I have learned how to effectively write professional documents that will help me in my career. I have learned how to write clearly, concisely, and correctly, I have also learned different formatting styles, and how to conduct research to create these professional documents. I have also practiced my oral communication skills to present different content. The information I learned in this course will help me in my graduate school programs as well as when I am in the professional world. Through the group papers, I have learned how to effectively work with team members and delegate tasks. With the presentations, I have completed in this course I have learned how to use my voice in a professional manner. All these skills will be useful as a Speech-Language Pathologist as I continue to conduct research and write professional papers as a part of my career.