Chapter 13

Image result for big bang theory bazinga

The Big Bang Theory is a TV program that impacted popular culture. Whenever someone hears “Bazinga” they know where and who it’s from. There are even t-shirts with the image above on it and most people would be able to identify the face and the saying.

Chapter 12

In Shaun of the Dead, there are two parts that include quick cutting. When Shaun goes upstairs to get ready, we see fast shots of what people normally do to get ready like using the bathroom and brushing their teeth. This editing style is used again not too far after the first one to show him making breakfast. The editor/director most likely used this technique to show the passing of time but quickly so that the scene isn’t too long. The viewer uses context clues to figure out that he is getting ready for work and making breakfast.

Chapter on Music

This Chevy commercial from 2014 uses music and the visuals as the focal point. There is very little dialog in the commercial but the soft piano that plays throughout the whole video helps set the mood and tone. It is a key part of the commercial.

Side note:  I like how the commercial goes from the dog, Maddie, in the vet, obviously very old and meeting her end, all the way through the owner and Maddie’s journey together going backwards on their timeline, to them first meeting and then back to a shot of them at the vet again. I think it is very emotionally driven because of the way it is edited.  I may or may not have started sobbing in the library after watching this.

Chapter 11

Image result for shallow depth of field

The aperture in this picture was most likely set to f/1.8 to f/5.6 because of the people in the foregroup who are blurred out but the child in the background is sharp and in focus.