New Faculty @ Longwood University

CAFE: Center for Faculty Enrichment

Browsing Posts published by Carol Anderson

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Turn It In: Exploring the AI Detector

Thursday, August 17
Allen Hall 205Register @ 



Join CAFE for pomodoro sessions again this semester. All faculty and staff are welcome. The sessions use a focused cycle: set a goal, work towards it for 25 minutes, and then take a five-minute break. You will repeat the cycle three times. Choose the session that fits your needs:

Research Writing Session: Tuesday and Thursdays @ 8:30-10:30am, via Zoom with Adam Franssen,
Work Session: Mondays and Wednesday @ 10:00-11:30, via Zoom with Renee Gutiérrez



Important Dates and Events Across Campus

August 15

11:00-12:00President’s Welcome, Jarman Auditorium, followed by lunch @ noon, Dorrill Dining Hall
2:00-3:15                     College of Education, Health and Human Services Faculty Kick-Off, Soza Ballroom (Upchurch)
3:00-4:00                     Cook-Cole College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Welcome and Reception, Wygal auditorium

August 16

9:30-2:00                     College of Business and Economics Fall Advance, Nance Room, Dining Hall
8:00-4:00                     New students move-in

August 17

9:00-2:30                     College of Business and Economics Fall Advance, Nance Room, Dining Hall
8:00-4:00                     New students move-in

August 18-20

8:00-4:00                     Continuing students arrive                 

August 18      

8:30-9:00                     Faculty Coffee Hour and Breakfast, Blackwell Hall, Rotunda 
9:00-10:30                   Opening Faculty Meeting, Blackwell Hall
11:30-12:30                 Honor & Integrity Ceremony, Jarman Hall.  Line-up begins after the opening faculty meeting in Blackwell Hall; the procession begins at 11:20.

August 19                  Full Semester Graduate Classes begin. Note to graduate professors: please check the Academic Calendar for specific beginning dates for 5, 7, & 8- week courses.

August 21                   Undergraduate Classes begin
September 4               University closed for Labor Day
September 14             Convocation–undergraduate
October 5-6                Fall Break- no undergraduate classes
October 9                   Undergraduate classes resume
October 18                 Undergraduate grade estimates due
November 14             Symposium of the Common Good Day (no undergraduate classes until 5:30 PM; graduate classes held as usual)
November 15             Research & Creative Inquiry Showcase (no undergraduate classes 1:00-5:30 PM)
November 22-24        Thanksgiving Holiday
November 27             Classes resume
December 1                Last day of undergraduate classes
December 3                Faculty volunteers serve at Late Night Breakfast. (Look for email.)
December 4-8            Examinations
December 9                Last day of full semester graduate courses.Note to graduate professors: please check the Academic Calendar for specific end dates for 5, 7, & 8- week courses
December 11              Undergraduate and graduate (full semester) grades due. Note to graduate professors: please check the Academic Calendar for specific grade due dates for 5, 7, & 8-week courses.

Check out the Academic Calendar for graduate and undergraduate course add/drop,  withdraw, and registration dates.

August 7th-8th

We have workshops and sessions on a wide variety of topics: inclusivity in the classroom, Longwood traditions, retirement planning, parking passes and rules, and a workshop on our learning management system. The program begins with breakfast on each day at 8:15 am, and ends by 4:15 pm.

New Faculty Orientation Schedule ( click here to access the schedule )

August 7- Orientation will take place in Allen Hall 308

August 8- Orientation will take place in Allen Hall 308

The President’s Reception for New Faculty will take place on August 15, 5:30 to 7:00 PM, Radcliff Hall.

If you haven’t RSVP’d yet, please contact Renee Gutiérrez at

Thursday, August 10th, 2023

Join us for Longwood’s first annual day of undergraduate faculty professional development–a day filled with several options and opportunities to collaborate with and learn from your faculty colleagues.

  • Civitae faculty leaders will facilitate workshops in all areas of Civitae allowing you to meet and share ideas for teaching in Civitae and discuss ways to improve student learning and engagement. 
  • CAFE will offer sessions on teaching writing in the age of AI, course design and assignment design.
  • The Cormier Honors College will host a workshop focusing on how to turn your existing courses into Honors courses.
  • The day will end with a Faculty Reception in the CAFE lounge.    

Registration is required for all events.  For more information about the schedule of the day, individual sessions, and registration, please go to

Questions about the Civitae sessions, contact Heather Lettner Rust @

Questions about the CAFE sessions, contact Adam Franssen @

Questions about the Cormier Honors College session, contact Hannah Dudley-Shotwell @

Teaching for Civic Learning and Engagement

10th Annual Teaching and Learning Institute

Longwood University
8:30am-5:30pm, May 9, 2023
Blackwell Ballroom, Rotunda Hall


The Center for Faculty Enrichment (CAFE) and the Civitae Core Curriculum Committee invite ALL faculty and staff to a full-day workshop focused on best practices for developing students into engaged members of the community. Beginning with the keynote address, participants will be invited to co-create a definition of civic learning that will be used as a framework for future discussions. Following the keynote, participants will choose concurrent sessions to attend and learn more about key concepts and skills related to teaching civic engagement. For faculty specifically engaged in the teaching of Longwood’s signature core curriculum program, Civitae, there will be opportunities to meet and discuss assessment and professional development pertinent to their courses. 

By the end of this workshop, all participants will be able to:

  • define civic learning and civic engagement in an academic context;
  • apply civic learning concepts to specific activities, assignments, and/or classes;
  • describe how pedagogical approaches such as critical reflection and experiential learning can provide students with the tools to become effective, contributing members and/or leaders of their community; and
  • communicate civic responsibility to multiple audiences, especially students.

This year’s keynote speaker is Patti Clayton, Ph.D. Dr. Clayton formerly served as founding Director of the Center for Excellence in Curricular Engagement at NC State University and as a Faculty Fellow with National Campus Compact’s Project on Integrating Service with Academic Study. In all aspects of her work she seeks to support intellectual, personal, and civic development through co-creating mentoring communities grounded in reflective practice, leadership, and scholarship. Beyond community-engaged teaching, learning, and scholarship, her academic interests include environmental philosophy and environmental studies, leadership development, and the history and philosophy of science. She earned her Ph.D. (1995) and M.S. (1992) from the Curriculum in Ecology at UNC-Chapel Hill. 


Civic Dialogue: Engaging Students in Difficult Conversations

May 16, 2022

Blackwell Ballroom


Longwood University

Teaching & Learning Institute

Registration opens in April

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Faculty Wellness Days – December 1st, and December 6th-10th

Final exam week can be a challenging time for faculty and staff to maintain our wellness. CAFE is offering mini-breaks and healthy activities for mind, body, and soul. Here is the full list of events:


Every time you attend one of the wellness activities listed below, your name will be entered in a raffle for a plethora of gift cards and apparel. Prizes have been donated by Barnes and Noble, Press Club, Weyanoke, 119, and Greens to Go (Aramark).

Difficult moments of choice: Strategies for Mindfulness and “Wise Minds” for Educators
Facilitator:       Jenny Retallick, Assistant Director of Well-Being Programming, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Date:               Wednesday, December 1st from 3-4:30pm

At this point in the semester, your needs and your students’ needs might be in dialectical tension. We are tired, yet they need more of our time and we have end of semester course and service responsibilities.  How do we balance our own wellness with the increase in student needs? Using Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and real life examples, we will discuss strategies and tools you can use to increase the likelihood of maintaining your wellness during stressful periods.  ​

Healthy snack bags for faculty
Sponsor:        Aramark and the College of Business and Economics
Date:             Starting on December 6th until they’re gone
Location:        CAFE Lounge, Allen 310

These bags have information about wellness and some tasty, healthy foods. Faculty, please pop by and pick one up!

Chair massage
Sponsor:        Greenwood Library
Masseuse:      Amy Nelson
Dates:            Tuesday, December 7th, 9 am-12 pm & Wednesday, December 8th, 8 am-12 pm
Location:        Greenwood Library Room 147

Come to the Library for a 12-minute chair massage from local massage therapist Amy Nelson! Space is limited to registration is required.

Faculty and staff registration for Tuesday:

Yoga for faculty and staff
Instructor:      Eleanor Kent
Date:             See options below
Location:        Fitness Center’s Group Exercise Room (membership not required)

Eleanor Kent teaches yoga designed for all ability levels: she will coach you through different levels of each pose or exercise to accommodate a wide range of physical conditioning. The class on Thursday is chair yoga—no need to get up and down or wear any special clothes.

Monday, December 6th, 2:00-3:00 pm | Fitness Center, Group Fitness room

  • Thursday, December 9th, 2:00-3:00 pm Chair Yoga |Fitness Center. Room 307
  • Friday, December 10th, 4:00-5:00 pm | Fitness Center Group Fitness room

Meditation for faculty and staff (New meditators)
Guide:            Renee Gutiérrez
Date:             10:45-10:55 am, December 6th-11th

New to meditation? Wondering what it’s all about? Join Renee Gutiérrez to get a start on this healthful, mindful practice. These starter sessions last for 10 minutes, no registration required.

Meditation for faculty and staff (Established meditators)
Guide:            Renee Gutiérrez
Date:             11:00-11:20am, December 6th-11th
Location:        CAFE Lounge, Allen 310

Already have an established meditation practice? Join in with others to help your accountability during a busy week. You can meditate in person or via Zoom. Sessions last only 20 minutes, and no registration is required.

Grading Pomodoros
Facilitator:      CAFE Staff
Date:             See options below
Location:        CAFE Lounge, Allen 310

Faculty, join CAFE staff in person or via Zoom to work on your grading during finals week. Grade in community, using the pomodoro technique by Francesco Cirillo that encourages productivity. 

  • Tuesday, December 7th, 2:00-3:30pm with Adam Franssen
  • Wednesday, December 8th, 6:30-8:00pm with Pam Tracy
  • Thursday, December 9th, 9:00-10:30am with Renee Gutiérrez
  • Friday, December 10th, 2:00-3:30pm with Renee Gutiérrez

Walk High Bridge Trail for faculty and staff. 
Facilitator:      Renee Gutiérrez
Date:             Wednesday, December 8th, 2:00-3:00 pm
Location:        High Bridge Trail

Join Renee for some exercise as you appreciate the natural beauty of the High Bridge Trail. Walk as far as you like, at your pace or with others. We’ll gather at the Main Street LOVE sign at 2:00 pm.

Research Focus Symposium – Save the Date!

Day 1 – Wednesday, January 5th
Day 2 – Thursday, January 6th 

CAFE is pleased to announce our 2nd annual pre-spring semester symposium. This year’s event is designed to help advance your research agenda, whether you’re just starting out or looking to publish your work. We’ve invited area experts to facilitate 10 research-related workshops. This year’s topics are: developing your research agenda, using institutional data, conducting research with students, following IACUC/IRB guidelines, SOTL, publishing, copyright, and grant writing. The symposium will conclude with a 2-hour session to implement what you’ve learned and plan a productive semester of research. All sessions will be available on Zoom. We hope you’ll join us! ​

Promotion and Tenure Portfolio Workshops

Professional Portfolio Writing Session
Facilitator:       Adam Franssen, Assistant Director of CAFE
Date:               Thursday, December 2nd from 3:30-5pm
Location:         Allen 310 w/ Zoom option

This 90 minute writing session is time designated for all first year tenure track faculty, clinicians, honors faculty, lecturers, and librarians to work on their portfolios before the December 9th submission date. During this time, participants will write their professional portfolios in community, using the pomodoro technique. CAFE provides space, snacks, and stress relief items. A CAFE staff member will also be present to consult if participants would like to discuss their writing to get past obstacles to completion of their work.

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